Do you fear to 'hope', fear to 'dream' or 'expect'?
He is for you, not against you, so when you feel that 'push-back' and that fear, resist and rebuke it. It is not of Him, and therefore it is under your feet. Stamp it out. That fear of disappointment that tries to keep you from hoping or dreaming need not move you, direct your steps, or sideswipe you. Look to Him and truth.
Unite the truth with faith (the leaning of the entire personality on God in absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness1), that it may be effective. Believe and live accordingly, even if it feels foolish. Know the truth that sets you free, and believe it as reality. Because He has overcome and His power is not limited, believe what He says, more than what you see and feel.
Do not just have a form of godliness while denying its power (2 Tim. 3:5). Move forward. Move. As you resist the fear and step forward in obedience, you will find His strength in every step and His love in every instance. Follow Him.
Just do the next thing. And follow through. Press beyond your comfort zone and watch Him meet you in that place. He is a mighty and strong Deliverer.
Be unafraid and unashamed.
Motivational speaker and businessman T. Harv Eker is quoted as saying, "Nobody ever died of discomfort, yet living in the name of comfort has killed more ideas, opportunities, actions and growth than everything else combined. Comfort kills!"

Imagine if we all stepped forward in confidence and obedience and took our place in the great plan of God in this present age. He does have a plan.
Let's surrender, not to the fear, but to the FAITH, and hear, hope, dream big, expect much, and obediently ACT.
1 Amplified Bible on the word 'faith'
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