Mine the depths of truth, asking, 'What does it mean for my life today?' Meditate on the ramifications of the truth of the Word and be bold and brash enough to take Him up on it.
Take Him up on His Word.
"Is not My Word like fire?" declares the Lord, "and like a hammer which shatters a rock?" (Jeremiah 23:29). His Word can break up the hardest of the hard: hearts, lives, situations, the impossible. That's what it does. Take Him up on it.

Oh how pleasing in His sight. In contrast to the child who looks and forgets (James 1:21-25) and lays it aside AS IF it is USELESS!!, when He has clearly proclaimed that it is the power of God unto salvation: any salvation you need. Oh take Him up on it and see if He does not pour forth from heaven and reward with power lighted (set afire, burning) on His Word.
The Word IS living, active, sharper than any two-edged sword (Heb.4:12). Be serious, not casual! Lay all 'casual' aside as you hold a powerful sword. Study its implications, it's power! Rejoice and use it. You are exhorted to use it, to take Him up on His promises.
Mine them, know what they are, and hold Him to them!
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