Week 1-Day 3
What if rather than searching for answers to the 'unknowns' of the big picture of life, we just took action today on what we already know?
There is enough for today.
Often our calling for ‘today’ can end up not getting done because we are wondering about the big picture for the future.
Often our calling for ‘today’ can end up not getting done because we are wondering about the big picture for the future.
What if we all walked in more moment by moment obedience?
The big picture is needed so that we keep in mind where we are headed, but we must not ignore the daily steps of obedience that prepare us for that future, even though the ‘daily steps’ may seem somewhat mundane.
The same idea is true of our time in the word. We need the big picture and should be daily reading to get that big picture so that 'scripture can interpret scripture', but along with that we must also have pinpoint, deep study and meditation on the word so that the truth becomes part of who we are and how we live. Otherwise there will still be a roaming lostness and no heavy anchor in troubled seas.
'Knowing that we KNOW’ (in-depth, studied for ourselves in the word, not just because someone else has taught it) builds up a heavy anchor that works to tether us in the storm. The storm may rock our ship and move things around (some things that probably NEED to be adjusted), but it will not make us drift off course, as we know where we are headed and Whom we have believed and are convinced that He is able (2Tim. 1:12).
-Spend some time writing down what you already know you are called to in this, your ‘today’. What are the ‘steps’ He is calling you to take today and each ‘today’?
-What is the ‘big picture’ out there where you know you are headed or want to be headed? (He intentionally places desires upon our hearts to lead us to His desired goals.) What are the preparation steps ‘today’ for that future?
-Are there things that God has been leading you to or convicting you of that you have been neglecting?
-Do you need to adjust your reading plan of the Word to get the broad picture and deeper study as well?
-Ask Him to lay upon your heart what His ‘beyond’ is for you, according to His power that works within you. Don’t be afraid to ‘dream’ and make sure you write it down.
Pray in all areas ‘beyond the possible’. Again, a reminder: you are praying for the impossible to God, with Whom nothing is impossible.
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