Week 6- Day 1
May we realize who we are and what we have in Him, be encouraged, and use our God-given authority.
It's as if the enemy has thrown a cloak of hopelessness over the church in an attempt to silence us from using the authority that he knows we have.
If you are at all feeling hopeless, shake off that cloak; it is NOT from Him. Hopeless, with the God of Heaven with Whom all things are possible?
May we know who we are by knowing Who He is.
May we daily be renewing our mind in His word, where we see what He has done, what He does, what He promises to do, and more importantly- Who He is. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, knowing the end from the beginning and holding it all. This truth brings great hope.
"For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is no one like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things which have not been done, saying, 'My purpose will be established, and I will accomplish all My good pleasure'; calling a bird of prey from the east, the man of My purpose from a far country. Truly I have spoken; truly I will bring it to pass. I have planned it, surely I will do it." Isaiah 46:8-11
Will you AWAKEN, arise, and put into practice all that you say that you have faith for? You have faith that He 'can'. Now have faith that He 'will', along with the attitude that "even if He does not" (Daniel 3:17,18), you will do the right thing and trust the consequences to a sovereign God. And go and DO...(Luke 6:46-49).
You, who have been given weapons of warfare that are divinely powerful (2 Cor. 10:3-6), will you choose to use them? Choose. It is not a question of if you can, it's a "will you?"
May His people call on His Name, allow Him to heal up their own woundedness, be appalled at sin among His people rather than expecting it (Ezra 9:3-10:6), walk in repentance and put away any form of evil from their midst, serve Him with their whole hearts (1 Samuel 7:3), pray, and go make disciples.
What if through our prayers we could take the oxygen, so to speak, the 'fuel' out of the flame of evil and infuse it instead into the flame of the true Light, which is so much greater (John 1:1-13, 8:12), shining brightly for the world to see: Him, high and lifted up. Could prayer 'shift' the 'fuel' from evil to the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit to feed the flame of righteousness and snuff out the flames of evil burning brightly? That would be revival.
Awaken and fast and pray for that shift- the shift to snuff out evil and ignite truth and righteousness. Pray for the turning of the tide. The Creator of the real tides is fully able to shift this 'negative tide of change'.
Awaken and fast and pray for that shift- the shift to snuff out evil and ignite truth and righteousness. Pray for the turning of the tide. The Creator of the real tides is fully able to shift this 'negative tide of change'.
Be filled with His boldness and big faith to move into the midst of the darkness and bring His powerful life-changing LIFE.
"..pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance and gentleness. Fight the good fight of faith;..." 1 Tim.6:11 and "be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist,
fulfill your ministry." 2 Tim. 4:5
(This is part of a 6 week prayer strategy series. To return to 'watch the ramparts' homepage: click here)
fulfill your ministry." 2 Tim. 4:5
(This is part of a 6 week prayer strategy series. To return to 'watch the ramparts' homepage: click here)
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