Week 3- Day 6
Read Psalm 139 today.
You are known and loved……
I hold your hand and lead you along paths of righteousness for My Name's sake.
For My Name's sake, you will walk in a manner worthy. You will have ears to hear and eyes to see and the strong feet (ankles) to march onward......to lead and to heed the calling. I have raised you up for such a time as this. Follow My strong lead.....and go where I go.
I will put My words on your mouth. I am able to take you places you never thought you could go.
Be faithful in the small and watch My 'suddenly'!
Stay 'tethered' to My heart and fight to not let go, no matter what your 'eyes' may see. You walk by faith and not by sight... a fact and truth that will become more and more pertinent.
I am in control. You CAN 'be still and know that I am God'.
As a good Father, I lead and carry and equip, and My Word says that I will teach you what to say and give you an answer in the time of need and bring to your remembrance all that you need.
You are not alone. Press your ear against My chest and hear My heartbeat.... beating for all....for each one you meet....take My word and equip them...take My heart and love them.....take My strong word and exhort and encourage to ACTION... to do the unthinkable. I AM ABLE, and I equip the called.
I do bind up the brokenhearted and wounded.
Allow Me.
Let Me in to cauterize and heal, that you may ONLY stretch forward in BELIEF....not step back in fear. I am the MAKER of your heart and can handle 'it'.
Give yourself wholly to Me...no holding back.
Do not shrink back in unbelief ...only step forward, and I will meet you in each and every step.
Press forward.
-Take some time today being still and knowing that He is God.
(This is part of a 6 week prayer strategy series. To return to 'watch the ramparts' homepage: click here).
(This is part of a 6 week prayer strategy series. To return to 'watch the ramparts' homepage: click here).
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