
Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Week 3- Day 5

You have My affection.  

I am your help, and My right hand upholds you. 

You, for whom I sent My Son to die and to buy out of the marketplace, sing for joy in the shadow of My wings (Ps. 63:7,8).  

You are redeemed. I declare that to be what names you and to be your name: Redeemed. Period. 

You need not look any further for your worth or for acceptance or for a 'name'. You are LOVED, held by a Heavenly Father, Who DID hang the moon and the stars for you, My beloved.  

You are called, beloved in God the Father, and KEPT for Christ Jesus. Called, beloved, and kept (Jude 1:1)

You are no orphan, no orphan of any kind on any level. No, you are not. 

You are sought out by the King of Kings and will continue to be sought after in My affection for all of your days. Each and every day. 

And you will stand in the presence of My glory blameless with great JOY (Jude 1:24). Love and joy overflowing onto your head, washing away your doubts and fears and all the questions. 

Lay it all before Me and watch Me make what you have thought impossible, divinely easy as you trust Me more than your feelings and fears, as you trust what I say more than what you have always thought you've known (or didn't even know that you were knowing- believing). 

I am with you. I am for you. 

Who I am:

your Strong Defender, 
your Rock, 
your Fortress,
your Deliverer,
your Refuge, 
your Shield,
your Stronghold. 
  You are saved from your enemies (Ps 18:1-3).

And I call you:

Sought Out and Sought After


-Are you looking for your worth or acceptance in any other place or from anyone else? Ask Him to show you the true answer to that question. 
-Lay down the need to be affirmed by any other person and know that you have His affection and strong support.
-Pray and press into those 2 lists.  What does truly, deeply knowing those truths change? 'What does it mean for my life?'

-Bask in His strong love for you today.

If you added a section in your notebook, you may want to add these thoughts to: Who God is, who God says I am, and what He says I have. 

(This is part of a 6 week prayer strategy series. To return to 'watch the ramparts' homepage: click here).

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