
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Stand Firm

                To be true to My Word, I must judge this nation… but they will not turn back to Me.  The hearts have grown cold…so I will reject them…and they will be dismayed.

                But My church will be purified.  It will be harder and harder to stand for truth, and yet for truth you will stand.

               Separate yourselves.  The sheep will be gathered from the every church, a rod of judgment/separation will go forth and all will become evident.  My people will more and more have to choose to stand for truth in the face of compromise in their midst.  And many will fall…who you think would stand.  Pray for the strength of the individual believer.  Pray for the PURITY of My Word spoken.  Speak it forth in boldness.

                ‘I am raising up a people of boldness who WILL proclaim truth in the midst of a religion that is making crooked the straight way of the Lord.  Stand firm until the end.  Give yourselves to prayer and fasting…and proclaim the favorable Day of the Lord.  Be ready..have your lamps trimmed.'

1 comment:

Michael Cotten said...

Good Word for 2012. It will be a year for decisions as circumstances force many to understand and declare who they are -- Joel 3:14 -- multitudes in the valley of decision!