Are you bowing to what the world says is right, or what My Word says? Are you taking your cues from the world, or My Spirit? Keep your eyes "fixed" on Me -that you will not be swayed by the propaganda1 of this world's system (led by the enemy himself, even posing as an angel of light 2 Cor. 11:14). Beware and be shrewd (Matt. 10:16) and know truth like the back of your hand -have it always before you -that you may be more familiar with My truth than you are with the deceitfulness of this world. Stop being led astray by this world system, which is in the enemy's hand1 John 5:19 . Open your eyes and behold the ways of your God.
Do you claim Him as your own and yet live in opposition to all He has set forth as truth?
You can either live for Me or against Me. There is no neutral ground. PRAY- for strength.
We need to be built up in FAITH for these days ahead. Faith in a big God, but also faith in TRUTH- that His truth will prevail. His truth is true regardless of who chooses to believe it or not. We cannot go forward believing lies. We cannot just believe 'peace, peace' with God where there is no peace(Jer. 6:14,8:11). There is no pretending. We cannot 'think' that we're okay and be okay. We must obey, to be okay.
His heart is clearly spoken and revealed. Where can we flee from His Spirit? Nowhere. So the only good choice is to embrace truth, even if we are persecuted for it (2 Tim. 3:12), even if it flies in the face of today's view of tolerance and love. How is it loving to condone sin that God must judge? (The enemy has duped us by making biblical issues seem like political issues, in order to attempt to gag our mouths). Take back the ground given over. Shout, 'Enough!' and watch the walls fall down, only to BE rebuilt on firm foundation (the truth of My word spoken). Who will shout!? Who will go?
Say yes to the Lord and take your place
-to loosen the chains of those harassed by the enemy,
-to open eyes to SEE the FIGHT- to see the war in the heavenlies,
-to acknowledge that we are at war,
-and to fight for victory.
Take courage.
John 16:33 "These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world."
The victory is yours, but you must fight for it. It will not come as you 'rest on your laurels' (to be satisfied with one's past success and to consider further effort unnecessary). Fight in word and deed and in prayer and fasting. Loosen the chains and loosen My people to speak forth My word in power and truth.
My word is true, and My light WILL dispel darkness! Darkness CANNOT withstand My light.
So go light up the world with My love and My power: Christ exalted, high and lifted up, with praise going before you. You will slay them with your presence as you go forth in My anointing. Darkness cannot hide, and darkness cannot withstand! It is just the 'natural quality' of light.
So be a light unto the world and SHINE for My glory and fame. Don't hide it.
Shout it from the rooftops.
1 definition of propaganda-information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation,etc.
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