
Wednesday, January 17, 2018

My Favorite Bible Reading Plan

As we enter into a New Year, I have an offer that I believe will be helpful for you.
And if you are reading this after the start of 2018, I extend the offer to you as well.
I would like to share my favorite bible reading planclick here for page 1 and here for the other sideto print your own copy. It is a chronological reading plan that leads you through the Bible in a year.
What I love about it is that you can easily read ahead if you have time and the Psalms are peppered throughout and can be used as easy catch up days if you get behind.
It is one that has been the easiest for me to keep up with over the years, and I love that it can be used as a bookmark and can be checked off day by day as I read.
Would you print it off, fold it, place it as a bookmark in your bible, and start? If you are reading this after January 1, join in and start on today’s date. It is best to start where you are. We have all experienced the failure of “I’ll wait until the conditions are perfect to….”, and it just never happens.
If a year reading plan/goal feels too daunting, make it a ‘90 day trial’ and fall in love with the power of His truth and His presence.

“All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16,17

As we seek the Lord’s direction for goals and for the best plan to organize our time and days this coming year so that we may make the most of the days we have been given (Eph. 5:16), here is a little reminder.
We all want ‘more’ and to be more productive and effective. This is good. We never want to become complacent.
And ‘wanting more’ will eventually lead to ‘doing’ more, but may we not allow the drive to ‘do’ (and our to-do lists) steal from the receiving. (See this post from the 2017 new year)
This is more important than all the goal setting and the seeking to fulfill our calling and the answer to the ‘what to do next’ questions.
The secret to our success is the ‘being’.
If we don’t take the time to ‘be (to sit with the Lord, to partake of the Living Water, to abide in Him) then we won’t have the power to DO more of anything that will truly last.
(check out more on this idea here)
So, may daily time with the Lord and His Word be at the top of our list of goals for this year and in our daily schedule: time with the Creator of the Universe, our All-Knowing, All-Sufficient Creator and Lord, in His Word and prayer, listening and obeying.
“Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you” James 4:7,8a. Why would we neglect such an invitation and opportunity?

Pray about joining me this year. And let me know. I would love to hear from you!

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