
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

"Is the Lord's Power Limited?"

      In Numbers 11 we see God give ‘an impossible’ promise and see Moses respond with reasons why it is ‘impossible’ in questions.  Any possible way for Him to fulfill that promise could not be SEEN or fathomed.
      And the Lord's response to those questions: “Is the Lord’s power limited?”
There's THE QUESTION to answer ALL our questions.

       “Is the Lord’s power limited?”  I AM ABLE to DO (I WORK) BEYOND what you could ask, think, or imagine.  So in regard to the desires that I have put on your heart (or will put on your heart) or in regard to what I call you to give of your time, talent, or treasure, I ask you, “Is My power limited?”  Though you cannot even imagine a way possible, I have already made a way.  And it is prepared before you.

      Listen to My call. No call of Mine is purposeless, and there is never a WASTED step of obedience! Never, not one little step.  Come, follow Me.  My WAY is never limited.

      Oh Lord, we thank you that with the call, comes even the power to believe You and trust You.  We fix our eyes on You and all that You are and confess with You that, ‘No, Your power is not limited, and You can and will enable us to do all that You truly call us to.  Nothing is impossible or too difficult for You.  Lord, we ask for you to build up our faith, even now, to believe YOU in ALL that You ask of us and in all of your promises.  Give each of us the faith to believe in YOU (not in our limitations) and to respond, “Here am I. Send me.”   I say “Yes,” to what You have called me to and confess with You that “No, Your power is NOT EVER limited!”

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