
Monday, January 16, 2012

Concentrate on Jesus

“… let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith….”    
                                                                         Hebrews 12:1b-2a
       “Fixing our eyes” means to look away from one thing and to concentrate on another, to look away to, as a continuous or repeated action.

        What if…..... we continually, habitually  “fix our eyes” on Jesus?
       Peter stepped out, walked on water, and then sank. Elijah called down fire from heaven, and then left afraid for his life. Don’t we see that strange pattern lived out in our lives as well?  In the moment when God is at work and enabling us to do the “impossible", there is great faith; He accomplishes His work through us (without us analyzing it to death) and enables us to walk by faith, not by sight. Then we walk away and get in what we would call ‘our right mind’ (we could just call it our natural mind), and we see all the impossibilities and decide to be more practical (to live by sight)!
     Is it possible to fix our eyes on Him (and all that He is) and … worry, doubt, be afraid, sink?
          Ponder that question.  Possible, yes, as we are still in this frail flesh, but as we look away from the overwhelming circumstances and look to JESUS and the Word, it is not as easy to be consumed with those negative emotions that bring us down.  Let us look to Jesus and take every thought captive to line up with what He says is true.

…..let us run this race with endurance, continually, habitually fixing our eyes on Jesus…. and walk by faith, not by appearance.

Step forward in the power and faith and grace that He provides THIS DAY! and look away from the obstacles, and TODAY continually, habitually  look to Jesus and all that He is!

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