
Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Be willing…  it is a matter of will…. Submit it all unto Me.
             I have plans for you…
You  do not need to make your own…. Just follow hard after Me,
                                             and take one step at a time.
You will hear a voice behind you saying,
                              “This is the way, walk ye in it.” 
Don’t give into the fear of that moment that would try to discourage you.
         Step out and find me faithful… and thus build your faith (not in yourself, but in Me) for the next time.

       The decision to take the step of faith will not be an easy one.
It will require sacrifice (of your time, comfort zone, caring what others think about you),
         but with those trials (the testing of your faith) come endurance and growth of character…
                that matures you.. that you may be lacking in nothing.
Step out and see…
            The spacious place I have called you to..
                 Without all the boundaries that keep you bound…
                                     Go possess your possessions.

Dead to sin, alive to God.
                          Dead to self, alive to God…..     
           Oh, to deny self and say, “Yes” to God…..  
to whom with the call, gives His divine enablement.


Anonymous said...

This is beautiful welcoming page, and this word "Willing" is convicting, helping me today.
Thank you, Tracy.
Love, Sarah Wetzel

Anonymous said...

Hey, that's pretty funny - I signed my name and it put 'Anonymous said . . .
Can you tell I am new at this stuff?
It gave me a good laugh!

traci said...

Sarah, thank you for leaving a comment. It is so good to hear from you. Makes me think of the great God story that made our paths cross! HE IS SO BIG!!! And absolutely amazing! Oh, let us keep pressing in and pressing on and remain always willing to do 'yes'.